Friday 2 January 2015

On 18:44 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

1. First go to Flip Text
2. Then Enter your text.
3. Then Copy your stuff.

On 18:43 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments

Most of us need antivirus on our system. But what we search on Google "FREE ANTIVIRUS DOWNLOAD". What we choose is that one that are suggested by our friends.  After all, the more popular an antivirus is, the better protection it must offer, right?

Popular Doesn't  Mean Better Always..
Popularity on anything doesn't always mean better there is always a chance to find many bug.
Having antivirus in your system and it says "EVERYTHING IS OK".

Don’t just take our word for it..Before buying an antivirus use this AV-TEST. AV-TEST evaluates security products based on three categories: protection, performance, and usability, with each category having a maximum score of 6 and a collective score of 18.

Avast Free Antivirus scored a 3.5 for protection, 4.5 for performance, and 6 for usability – giving a collective score of 14 out of 18.
AVG Antivirus Free scored a 3.5 for protection, 3.5 for performance, and 5.5 for usability – giving a collective score of 12.5 out of 18.
ZoneAlarm Extreme Security scored a 5.5 for protection, 6 for performance, and 6 for usability – giving a collective score of 17.5 out of 18.
AV-TEST ZoneAlarm Extreme Avast AVG Free Antivirus

 The antivirus you’re using really protecting you?
The comparison between ZoneAlarm, Avast, and AVG isn’t apples to apples; ZoneAlarm Extreme Security is a premium product while Avast and AVG are free products. However, the result of this test is proof that even the most popular free antivirus solutions aren’t enough. In this case, you need premium security that includes multiple layers of protection that can ward off even the most sophisticated malware.

On 18:42 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments
Some Question That Can Directly into your exams.
On 18:40 by Himanshu Joshi in , , ,    No comments
The simple way to learn Some Tricks on PC's is to get some Programming...
So lets start some Programming Knowledge Here Is the First E-BOOK..
You Can Earn the Basic Knowledge Of C programming From this Book...

On 18:39 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments
t is a easy trick...

Step 1:  Create page or just click Here .
Step 2: Choose Your category 
Step 3: Now copy the below characters and paste in the place of name and Check the box which says i agree to facebook pages terms.

Step 4: Click on Get Started, Give a short description and click on “Save info” now you can click on skip, skip and skip .
Step 5:  With this said, We have successfully created a page , But we can see the Characters which we entered earlier, we are making a page without any name or Character. Now in admin panel, click on Edit Page > Edit Settings.
Facebook page without name
Step 6:  Click on “Page info”  , the first thing you will see will be the Name, Click on Edit and use your Backspace key to Delete everything from the box.
Step 7: Click on Save Changes. If you have done all the steps as explained then you must not get any error.

Step 8: Click on View page to check your Facebook Page without Name.

Step 9: Upload a profile picture and Cover photo if you want. Now its Time to Show your Page with No name to your Friends. Try it by Yourself While its Still working.
Check the Demo of the page which I Created just now while writing the tutorial HERE and Click here To check the page which is about a month old.

[alert style="e.g. white, grey, red, yellow, green"] Note: The Code and the Trick to Create Facebook page without name is not working any more, This trick was working fine at the time of Creating the tutorial. Thanks.[/alert]

On 18:37 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

We need to refresh our computer when it becomes very slow. In that case we have to do it many times until it works normally. When our computer work more than its ability it becomes more and more slow. Those time computer can be stop working 
or can be shut down automatically. Some times it make us irritant. We use mouse or keyboard to refresh computer. Those process are not so easy because you have to refresh it every times when computer becomes slow or become hang. But you can do it by 1 click. To remove all these problem i am sharing a trips. Now i will show you that How to Refresh full computer by 1 click. 
Just follow the instruction.

Process :

 1. Create a Text document in desktop
 2. Rename it refresh drive
 3. Open refresh drive
 4. Write the following code in notepad

                                                                                Echo off

5. Then save it
6. Now change the extension from .txt to .bat
7. Now open it

On 18:34 by Himanshu Joshi in    No comments

Code in Perl::

use IO::Socket;
$port = 19;
while ($port < 26){
$spy = new IO::Socket::INET (PeerAddr => '',
PeerPort => $port,
Proto => 'tcp');
if ($spy){
close $spy;
print "$port -open\n";
$port = $port + 1;
print "$port -closed\n";
$port = $port + 1;

Code in Ruby:: 

require 'socket'
require 'timeout'

ports = 19..26
ports.each do |spy|
Timeout::timeout(10){"", spy)}
puts "closed : #{spy}"
puts "open : #{spy}"

Code in Java::

public class javaps {
public static void main(String[] args)
String remote = "";
for (int port = 19; port <= 26; port++) {
try {
Socket s = new Socket(remote, port);
System.out.println("The port " + port + " of " + remote + " is open");
catch (IOException ex) {
System.out.println("The port " + port + " of " + remote + " is closed");

Simplest way to make a port scanner..

On 18:33 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments

Prorat a famous trojan for hacking system, facebook, gmail, yahoo, twitter and other accounts. Today i wil show you step by step guide to hack with Prorat.
First of download Prorat :

Disable your antivirus otherwise it will delete this tool, Don't worry it will not harm you at this stage.
Now run the prorat.exe file..
A PRORAT screen will appear, Many option will be there but you have to create a server first.
So click on create server.
There will be 3 options
1. Create Prorat server
2. Create Downloader Server
3.Create Cgi Victim List & usage
now click on create prorat server
A new window will popup. which will have a lots of options in side bar.
General settings
Bind with Files
Server extnsions
Server Icons
You have to use all options one by one to create a server.
Now in Notofication. Mark on Use Mail Notification and enter your email id. there will be a default id. Erase it and enter your. Then Test. It will send a testing mail to your email. Check your spam too.
Then Go to general settings and select all the options which you want to have in your trojan.
Then go to Bind with file and select file to bind your trojan with.
At last select your server extension and icon. Then click on Create server.
Now you have created a server.
Send this server file to the victim you want to hack, but before sending this file to victim make it FUD (Fully UnDetectable) with FUD cryptors. Google it  for FUD articles.
after creating server FUD, it is ready to send to the victim.
Send this file to the victim. If the victim will run the server in the system, Trojan server will send you the notification email with the IP address of the victim. Use this ip and run your prorat.
At the top there is an option for IP and port. Enter thr IP and port and click on connect.
wait to connect.
After getting connected to the victim's system.. you can use any of the options available on the prorat to hack the user's system.

On 18:32 by Himanshu Joshi in    No comments

1. Visit whatismyipaddress and note down you real Ip Address

2. Now Go to Google Translate

3. From Under Detect Language, Chose your language in my case English

4. Now type  in text area and click on Translate

5. Now check your Ip Address, Its different from the real one.

If you use this trick, you are not sure to protect your privacy, this kind of connection lets you see blacklisted or banned pages but does not hide your IP address.

Picture of How to Hack an iPhone's Passcode

Want to hack a Iphone .This article is about how to hack the passcode and how to enjoy to open the contacts app from which you will be able to browse, edit, email any contact.


Picture of

Tap the "Emergency call" button on the lock screen

Step 2.

Picture of

Then, enter "####"

Step 3.

Picture of

As soon as you enter"####" tap the dial button.

Step 4.

Picture of

Immediately  press the lock button which is on the top of the phone

Step 5.
Picture of

So here it is you have hacked iphone...

On 18:30 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments

Ever tried to create a folder "CON" or "AUX" or "NUL".

Tried now???  - not working :)

Here you go, a simple method to  stop your anxiety

Rename folder from the right click option........
Now press alt and press 255...
press 255 frm the right side of the key bords i.e, Num pad.
where only numbers are given.....
now write con and then press enter.....yayyy!!
you ll see a con folder in ur pc
and also you can delete it easily

On 18:27 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments
If you’ve used Windows for any length of time, you’ve likely tried to open a file with an unknown extension. Instead of getting a list of programs to open the file with, you get an annoying dialog asking you to use a web service to find a program. So how do we change this?
You can use a registry hack to force Windows to skip this dialog altogether, and give you a list of applications to use to open the file instead, just as if you had selected the second option.
When you double-click on a file with an unknown extension, Windows presents you with this irritating dialog:

If you selected “Select a program from a list of installed programs”, you would get this much more useful dialog instead:

The registry hack will show you the second Open With dialog instead of that irritating first one.

Manual Registry Hack
Open regedit.exe through the start menu search or run box, and then browse down to the following key (create the key if it doesn’t exist)

Create a new 32-bit DWORD value on the right-hand side with the following values:
  • Name: NoInternetOpenWith
  • Value: 1
The change should be immediate, no need to restart anything. To reset back to default, set the value to 0 or delete the key.

On 18:25 by Himanshu Joshi in    No comments

First Stuff is "LOGS". You need to know how events, application, and system logs work. If you don’t, you can be easily caught by cyber security branch! The shell history will expose your actions. Another giveaway is leaving a “:wq” in /var/log/messages or binari’s.

NEVER HACK FROM YOUR OWN HOME! Take your time, and go to net cafe or anywhere else apart from home. Logs will take you down!

The code that you run on system will take you down. If you compile the code on target, libraries will give you away!

If your victm, notice, that he is maybe hacked, or something is wrong.. He will ask from his ISP for IP logs, and if you dont use VPN, or if you hack from home, they will hunt you down.

Thing, that takes you down 100% is BRAGGING. It is common problem of beginning hackers. They like to brag, to earn respect and reputation but NOT KNOWING that is the matter of minutes, hours may be days when they will be caught.

*Don't use HOTMAIL. CIA Owns it.

On 18:19 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments
So here it is..
1. Open the site you want to hack. Provide wrong username/password combination in its log in form An error will occur saying wrong username-password. Now here the hacking starts.

2. Right click anywhere on that error page then  go to view source.

3. There you can see the HTML coding with JavaScript.
• There you find somewhat like this....<_form action="...Login....">
• Before this login information copy the URL of the site in which you are.

4. Then delete the JavaScript from the above that validates your information in the server.(Do this very carefully, your success to hack the site depends upon this i.e. how efficiently you delete the java scripts that validate your account information) .

5. Then take a close look for "<_input name="password" type="password">"[without quotes] -> replace "<_type=text> “there instead of "<_type=password>". See there if maximum length of password is less than 11 then increase it to 11 (e.g. : if then write ).

6. Just go to file => save as and save it anywhere in your hard disk with ext.html(e.g.: c:\chan.html)

7. Reopen your target web page by double clicking 'chan.html' file that you saved in your hard disk earlier.• You see that some changes in current page as compared to original One. Don't worry.

8. Provide any username [e.g.: hacker] and password [e.g.:' or 1=1 --] You have successfully cracked the above website and entered into the account of List user saved in the server's database.
Just Try this.

On 18:18 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

* Save any folder as con..
can you..
haha :D
* Open Microsoft Word and type
=rand (200, 99)
press enter and see the magic..

*Type Q33N in MS word increase the size to 72 and change the font to Wingdings do you see something like a plane  hiting a building..
You will be amazed to know that the flight no. of the  plane that hit the two WTC  on 9/11 is Q33N..

On 18:16 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

want to compress 1GB into 10 mb
KGB archiver is the compression tool that makes that happen.

Its a Very high compression power tool with very accurate result and no loss of data.

Want A free ad posting website so it is here.

On 18:15 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

Just type the following codes

Troll face: [[171108522930776]]

ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME: [[143220739082110]]

Not bad Obama: [[169919399735055]]

Me Gusta: [[211782832186415]]

Mother of God: [[142670085793927]]

Cereal Guy: [[170815706323196]]

LOL Face: [[168456309878025]]

NO Guy: [[167359756658519]]

Yao Ming: [[218595638164996]]

Derp: [[224812970902314]]

Derpina: [[192644604154319]]

Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]

Not Bad: [[NotBaad]]

Fuck yeah: [[105387672833401]]

Challenge accepted: [[100002727365206]]

Okay face: [[100002752520227]]

Dumb bitch: [[218595638164996]]

Poker face: [[129627277060203]]

Okay face: [[224812970902314]]

Socially awkward penguin: [[98438140742]]

Rage face: [[FUUUOFFICIAL]]

Lamp: [[100001256102462]]

No: [[167359756658519]]

MOG: [[142670085793927]]

Feel like a sir: [[168040846586189]]

Forever alone christmas: [[125038607580286]]

NOTE:- You have to type [[ ]] also either it can't work

On 18:14 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments

Paste the following lines into notepad and save it as speak.bat

@echo off
echo StrText="....trick o hacker himanshu... " > spk.vbs
echo set ObjVoice=CreateObject("SAPI.SpVoice") >> spk.vbs
echo ObjVoice.Speak StrText >> spk.vbs
start spk.vbs

You can also type anything you want to hear by your PC instead of (...trick o hacker himanshu... ...)..


On 18:11 by Himanshu Joshi in , ,    No comments

To Annoy your Friend..
Here it is a batch programme to annoy one of your friend..
Open Notepad and copy paste the following lines into the notepad..

@echo off
msg * Hi there!
msg * How u doin ?
msg * Are you fine ?
msg * Never mind about me....
msg * I am not here to annoy you....
msg * It's himanshu Here .....
msg * start counting from 1 to 5, i Will be outta this place.....
msg * 1
msg * 2
msg * 3
msg * 4
msg * 5
goto annoy

Now save it as file.bat
you can save it as any name you want..

On 18:10 by Himanshu Joshi in , , , ,    No comments

 First Open Cmd From Run => Cmd Now Follow These Steps -:
o Now Type This Command In CMD :
? Ping
o And You Will Get The I.P of Victim
o Now Type =>
? ping (i.p of site) –t –l 65000
Here 65000 is packets
Now Your PC Will Send A Huge Traffic To That Site…:D
Check That Site after 1 Hours it will be Down..!!!
Try This From More PC For A Good Response..!!!

On 18:09 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

Here a simple trick for block your enemy sim card, blocking a sim card is too simple. What you have to do is just enter the below code in the desired phone
Entering of above code will ask you to enter the PUK code. To solve this issue just call customer care and get your PUK code.
Note: Entering of invalid PUK will cause permanent blocking of your SIM

On 18:07 by Himanshu Joshi in ,    No comments

Here we are with the new trick..
download the ICON & Go to Notepad and type

icon=(icon name).ico
without ( )

Then save it in your pen drive and name it autorun.inf
NOTE: Icon & autorun.inf file should have in your pen drive either it cannot works then hide both file. Then unplug the pen drive again insert the pen drive your pen drive icon changed